CertNexus Partner
CertNexus is the global purveyor of vendor neutral, emerging technology certifications and micro-credentials for IT, Business and Security professionals.
CertNexus’ exams meet the most rigorous development standards possible which outline a global framework for developing personnel certification programs to narrow the widening skills gap. CertNexus partners with highly knowledgeable and talented industry experts to ensure the integrity and quality of each exam with many conforming to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17024:2012 standard.
CertNexus is committed to providing certification programs that ensure employees have best-in-class skill sets to match their organization’s critical technology solutions. CertNexus’ certification programs in cybersecurity and IoT broaden an IT professional’s knowledge and validate skills using globally recognized curriculum and high stakes examinations.
Certification is important in today's chaotic Internet environment, don't wait until you get hacked!